Golden Fire and Light Dowsing Rod
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Golden Fire and Light Rods
14" 4mm brass rod with 3/8" sealed bearing handles.
Downloadable eight-page instructional/activation booklet can be found here.
The Manual does not cover basic dowsing, rather it is an attunement and activation guide for the energetic aspect of the tools.
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Advanced energy tools for use in Geomancy Feng Shui, Spirit Release, Energy Healing, and Dowsing This highly intuitive tool is much more than a Dowsing Rod The Golden Fire and Light Rods
Move and clear nonbeneficial geomagnetic lines, energy vortexes, grid systems and portals
• Personal Healing, Connecting, Clearing
• Activate Waterways and Aquifers
• Spirit Release (Ghost Busting)
• Entity Clearing
• Light Anchoring
Created from a mix of Ancient Etheric Technologies and New Energies, this heart-based higher- dimensional tool is capable of clearing timelines and realities.
Though there are many energetic aspects and layers to these Rods, they really are simple and easy to use. Most of the high-level work is intuitive and automatic, once we are in the Heart Space and out of the way!!
Workshop recording from the 2018 American Society of Dowsers Conference, featuring the Golden Fire Rods
The new line of Golden Fire and Light tools
The Rods you see here were physically created nearly two years ago, but their energetic components were not fully available until now.
These new Rods were built upon the energetic aspects of our Golden Light Wand, the new version of the traditional Starburst, and the highly profound Golden Fire and Light Wand.
There was more put into the creation of these dowsing rods, than any other tool we have so far.
14" 4mm brass rod with 3/8" sealed bearing handles.
I prefer a single rod, if you prefer two, we have a discount on pairs.
For energetic purposes, a single rod is all that is needed.
Downloadable eight-page instructional/activation booklet can be found here. The Manual does not cover basic dowsing, rather it is an attunement and activation guide for the energetic aspect of the tools.
There are much higher facets of this tool other than just great dowsing rods.
The true power and potency of these Rods, as with everything created at Twistedsage Studios, comes from their energetic counterparts. This particular energetic tool predates our galaxy and possibly the universe. This ancient tool is anchored into the Golden Fire and Light Rods through the very specific measurements used in their physical construction.
The energetic Golden Fire and Light Rod can only be wielded from the heart, by our higher selves. The heart is the access point to these heart-based higher-dimensional tools.
To begin using these Rods for their highest potentials, we must first familiarize ourselves with the energetic part of the tool. From then on it becomes automatic when we pick up the dowsing rods. This could be considered an attunement, as we become familiarized with the energetic aspect of the Rods.
The higher dimensional aspects of the Rods are only accessible through the Heart Space. All of our tools are created energetically first, and within these higher frequencies of Love and Joy and Harmony, before they are anchored into the physical plane through sacred measurements.
The Heart
As with all forms of Divination, we receive the highest truth in our asking while we are in the Heart Space. If we are in our heads while asking, there are many influences that can sway the answers received. The ego, and all its programs and beliefs, will greatly affect the information received. Once we can move our consciousness back into the Heart, we have a much better connection and hence a much better chance to receive a higher truth in our answers.
The Sacred Space of the Heart is that physical space, within the physical heart, that we wish to have our consciousness settled into, for any energy work done. There are brain cells within the heart, which is where we see our consciousness residing at before birth. At some point after birth our consciousness moves up into the brain and stays right there, behind the pineal gland. It is from this space that we view the world as separate from us. It is from here that the mind rules our consciousness.
So, again, being in the Heart is where we are less influenced by ego, emotions, mental perceptions, and especially outside energetic attachments.
To get ourselves back into the Heart, it is as simple as a breath and an intention. There are many long-form versions to move yourself into the heart space, our YouTube channel offers a few versions. The easiest way is how The Elders Three taught us. That is to simply take a breath from the Earth, up into the heart. A second breath from Source, Soul, Creator, God, or however you wish to see and say it, into the heart. A third breath from both, brought into the heart together with you.
Once you have been able to get back into the heart a few times, it gets easier. The tools we make at Twistedsage Studios help facilitate this even more, to the point that with practice, you can simply pick up the dowsing rods and take one breath and just be there!
We always begin our journeys from within the heart space. If we begin our journey from the head, we are easily pulled into rabbit-holes that seem real but are not. Or, worse, we could begin our journey out of fear... The heart is simply more in alignment with creation.
Personal Clearing
Hold the Rod with the intention of entering the Heart Space. You may be able to feel it, as the heart expands.
Simply make the statement that you are in the Heart Space, and it is so.
Know that you and your entire Light are fully aligned and present.
Make the statement that you are clean and clear. That is clean and clear throughout all time, space, dimensions, realities, and incarnations that you exist upon and within.
Clean and clear of programs and beliefs which hold you in a particular perspective, or reality.
Clean and clear of any conscious energetic attachments that are not beneficial for you. This includes disincarnate spirits, entity attachments, cords, contracts, oaths, vows, promises, curses, karma, etc., which no longer serves you.
Environmental Clearing
Go to where you want to clear with intentions of doing so. This does not have to be in the physical, you can simply imagine being there. A sphere of Golden White Light encompasses the workspace, including the earth below, no matter if doing it by distance or in person.
For an instant, there is a void, as everything is sucked up and then explodes out in white Light. All that is left is a feeling of Grace and Ease to the environment. The area is left clean and clear and in a high vibrational state. This bubble extends throughout time, dimensions, and realities, causing a residual effect of the work completed.
The Golden Fire and Light Rods automatically clears or reroutes non-beneficial energy Lines. A Light explodes out and shoots down the grid lines, clearing them. If it is more beneficial, the lines will be rerouted around the space being worked on. Non-beneficial portal/vortexes are cleared in the process.
Disincarnates and nonbeneficial entities
When clearing non-beneficial entity attachments, the Golden Fire clears all contracts (agreements, oaths, vows, etc.) which no longer serve, and the entity follows its own Light to wherever is for the Highest and best good.
As with dis-incarnate spirits, entities sometimes need talked into unattaching and going. There is a free-will in all of this, and people or other conscious Beings have the free-will choice to go or to stay and hang on. As my sister Brenda Schnose says, she has never met an entity that could not be talked into letting go. We always use the path of Love, as that is where all these tools are based within…
Working with others
Again, begin by being in the Heart Space, being clean and clear, grounded and connected. The Rods create sacred space, in the form of an energy bubble around you.
As your higher self holds the etheric rod, you invite who you wish into your circle, and offer them the Light rod. This is not done in person, rather you are going Soul to Soul with someone at this point. Unlike doing work on a human to human basis where we need permissions, those who’s higher selves’ are on board to have the clearing work done will accept it, or they won’t. It is out of the human’s hands at this point. If it is not part of the Soul’s path, the clearing won’t affect them. The higher Soul-self will know, so just trust the outcome to be in the highest and best.
A physical energy tool
You can actually use the dowsing rod as a wand to focus energy, raising everything in frequency and vibration, resulting in cleaning, clearing, and healing. Sometimes I will see it as sending out these cottony poofs of energy that look like expandable foam, covering everything.
We have seen the Golden Fire and Light Rods being pointed at someone, and they receive the clearing and activations. When they do so, any conscious attachments will usually be cleared automatically as well.
Other times, when my intention is to do healing work, I have seen a bluish-gold energy come out the tip of the Rod. This does not have to be seen, what we do is simply an intention with the tools. So, with a soft intention of doing healing work, simply point the dowsing rod at what you are working with and use a circular or figure-8 motion with the wand above the area. The distance between what you are working with and the wand does not matter.
As these are quantum tools, you can easily do the same things via distance. Simply imagine the thing, person, place, or situation that you are working on, and do as you would in person!!
Just having the Rod in your presence, it is emitting a beneficial field around it. Though it is not a large field, you can place it on electrical equipment, water containers, or on your nightstand to receive the beneficial use of it.
The properties found in all the Golden Fire tools are doing fantastic things with the water. As stated, it can be placed next to water containers, or used as a stir stick in water. Brass is mostly copper, but contains other alloys that can rust, so it is best to not leave the Rod sitting in water.
Light Anchoring
Since we are in the realm of doing the nonphysical work already, Light Anchors are one of my favorites. Using the Golden Fire and Light Rod to create columns of Light is a potent and powerful way to do any of the work we can possibly do. I anchor Lights wherever I go, including into cell phone towers, cemeteries, lakes and rivers, aquifers, old buildings, emergency rooms, stop lights, grocery store lines, etc.
Light anchoring can be used for healing as well as clearing. We can anchor Light into transformers and electrical substations to transform electrical lines and service drops connected to these junction points. The same goes with cell phone and other communications towers, where they can be utilized as carrier waves for beneficial Light frequencies. And don’t forget municipal water tanks, which are littered with communications devices. When we anchor into these types of places, the water or the electrical or the radio waves carry the frequencies of the Golden Fire and Light with them, bringing this healing energy to all that come across these carrier waves or who use the water.
This is huge!! And very tangible and real...
To anchor a column of Light, simply hold your Golden Fire and Light Rod by the actual rod instead of the handle. This is simply for a visual, as you hold it vertically in front of you. Imagine a column of Golden-white Light that extends between the Earth and Source, Soul, Creator, God, however you see and say that.
This column of Light goes through the space you envision in front of you (whether distance or in person) and contains all the frequencies and properties of the Golden Fire and Light tools. The Light column will stay for as long as is required. It used to be that creating a simple Light anchor, with intention, would last for up to 8 days, where this Golden Fire and Light column will hold indefinitely, if needed.
My Light columns are generally about 20 feet across. Though Brenda can expand hers out to encompass much greater areas.
Most importantly
As you do any of the work, don’t try to bring about things to be in a certain way. Just trust and leave it up to your Higher Self. We cannot stress it enough, to not limit anything by trying to put it into a box. Simply step out of the way and allow. Soft intentions work the best, as hard intentions usually contain specific outcomes. Just picking up the tool, you have a soft intention already present. Please read any instructions with the idea of soft intentions in mind 😊
Here is some of what they can do, and the areas they work in:
It clears Geomagnetic lines, and follows the lines outward to clear the source
of non beneficial energies, within the local area.This bubble extends throughout time, dimensions, and realities, causing a residual effect of the work completed.
Simultaneously, that field of the Golden Fire comes through in another level and layer, bringing in that high vibrational field of healing energy.
Just as the Starburst automatically clears or reroute non-beneficial energy Lines, so can the Golden Fire and Light Rod. Light explodes out and shoots down the grid lines, clearing them or rerouting them. It also clears the source of the nonbeneficial transmissions. It automatically clears non-beneficial portal/vortexes.
Water is a big part of this tool’s purpose-
The Golden Fire Rings bring water to it’s original state of being,
clearing ALL memory of it’s time on Earth,
to carry it’s original blueprint, as was intended at this time!!!
The energies of the Golden Fire field are emitted from the Golden Fire and Light Rods, as well as the Light Anchors created with this tool. Both can be used for clearing water ways including cell memory and the energies water picks up.
Light Anchoring-
You can anchor a Light into an electrical substation or a local electrical transformer, to transform the electrical lines served by these junction points. The same with cell phone and other communications towers. Don’t forget municipal water tanks, which anymore are becoming communication towers also.
Entity Clearing and “Ghost-busting”-
As everything raises in frequency and vibration, lower vibrational consciousness becomes uncomfortable and either make themselves known, or tries to lower the vibration around them. In either case, we are here to do the work.
This has traditionally been a task which many sensitive people have had to learn to do, was crossing over dis-incarnate spirits. For years I have tried to make a tool to do so, and finally achieved it!! The Golden Fire and Light Rod is now able to do this automatically!!
When the Rod is pointed at a conscious being (incarnate or not), a Light comes through and activates the heart. The Being is connected fully with their own Light. It is this Light that shows them the way Home. No longer do we need to “do” as we used to, to cross over dis-incarnate spirits or to move along non-beneficial entities.
When clearing non-beneficial entity attachments, the Golden Fire clears all contracts (agreements, oaths, vows, etc) which no longer serve, and the entity follows it’s own Light to wherever is for the Highest and best good.
As with dis-incarnate spirits, entities sometimes need talked into unattaching and going. There is a free-will in all of this, and people or other conscious Beings all have the free-will choice to stay and to hang on. As my sister Brenda Schnose says, she has never met an entity that could not be talked into letting go. We always use the path of Love, as that is where all these tools are based within….
Sacred Space of the Heart
Like all of our tools here at Twistedsage Studios, there is an automatic draw of your consciousness into the Heart Space. It is here that we see our higher connection comes in. Our higher self is then in charge of what Activations and Attunements are brought through from the space that these tools hold. The Golden Fire and Light Rods contain all that the Golden Fire tools and the Golden Light Wand have to offer. It is between you and your higher consciousness, or Soul, in what comes through for you.
Activating the Sacred Heart and Quantum Mind
your entire Soul Spark, from Source and back to Source, is anchored within the human. Your Light, now anchored in the heart, dissolves away the basement floor of the heart and automatically clears the cords and contracts that held us anchored into the old world.
With the Sacred Heart Activation, many report a burning in the chest as things are burned away, or perhaps you will notice as the Cool Clear Waters come flowing through afterwards. If you do not feel anything, it is OK! We are each sensitive to certain “bandwidths” of energy.
Activates the Quantum Mind, by opening the right hemisphere of the brain, balancing the hemispheres, activating the Pineal, and then connecting you with the Quantum Mind.
Some will note a pulsing on the head, a Crown of Fire. This is a very sacred initiation, open for all who would receive it.
This entire process could happen immediately, or over time.
Working with others-
Anything that you do here for yourself, you can offer to others. This higher level that we are working from is essentially on a Soul to Soul level. It is up to that higher consciousness of the person you are working with to accept, or not accept, the invitation to the process. All can be done at a distance.
The Golden Light Wand:
Energetically, it’s a golden rod about 18 inches tall, its fuzzy rainbow-color energy vibrates along with a humming sound. The sound coming from the rod is used for healing, clearing, and everything. The color and sound work together as part of what this tool is. The mini Light Wand is a physical bridge to this energetic tool.
The approx. fourteen inch brass rod is a sacred measurement, a fraction of the Teotihuacan Unit. The energetic aspect of this tool exists on a higher dimensional plane and anchors into the physical through the sacred measurement.
the work we do directly affects the Soul aspects throughout time, space, and dimensions.
When a person holds the wand, a clearing takes place with the person and vibrations are raised all around them. This brings through more than just personal and environmental clearing and healing, rather situations and realities are also cleared and healed in the process.
As all the tools at Twistedsage Studios, these are high consciousness, quantum tools,
you can use the wand for distance work.
Simply use intention and imagination to visualize what you are working with, and operate the wand with that visualization. The energy will flow to where you are sending it. And with this type of heart based, high vibration tool, the energy is always sent and received for the highest and best good.
Bringing through that Field of Healing Light-
The Wand brings who holds it into a higher vibration, connecting and bridging higher dimensions.
These different fields of higher vibrational Light brings through only what is based in Love, as that is why these tools exist.
As you tap into these higher vibration fields, you can tap into that “Healing Field” that my sister Brenda Schnose uses in all her current healing work.
As you point the Wand it projects Light out, both the Golden Fire and the Golden Light. This brings in and bridges these higher dimensions.
Through high level consciousness work, which is made nearly automatic with these tools. Yet the tools are only wayshowers and place holders, it is our actually our consciousness that brings about the shifts. The physical energy tools just allow to know it can be done.
The Quantum Void is the space of the Three by Three.
In the process, your entire Soul Spark -from Source and back to Source again, is anchored within the heart.
Your Light, now fully present in the heart, dissolves away any cords and contracts that held us in that old world.
Cubit Measure based on new geometries coming onto the planet.
Discovered and anchored in by my sister, Brenda Schnose. Activates the Sacred Heart and Quantum Mind, just as the Golden Fire Rings do
The Golden Fire Wand activates the Sacred Heart- This is the golden flaming heart with the tri-fold flames that Jesus and Mary walk with, and is different from the Sacred Space of the Heart that we have traditionally worked with.
The Golden Fire Wand activates the Quantum Mind- Opens the right hemisphere of the brain, balances the hemispheres, activating the Pineal and connecting to the Quantum Mind.
For the Sacred Heart and Quantum Mind activations to
take place, one is first taken to the Quantum Void of infinite possibilities for cleaning, clearing, and healing.
When a person holds the wand, they are engulfed in a Golden-White Light. Clearing takes place with the person and vibrations are raised all around them. This brings through more than just personal and environmental clearing and healing, rather situations and realities are also cleared and healed in the process.
As the Higher Soul Self steps in to hold the rod, the work we do directly affects the Soul aspects throughout time, space, and dimensions.
Remember… You can never do harm with this tool!!
Sacred Space of the Heart:
Imagine your consciousness as a little ball of light, the size of a marble. Your consciousness sits right behind the pineal gland in the middle of the brain. Before we were born, our consciousness resided in the heart. Within the physical heart are tens-of-thousands of brain cells. At some time during or after the birth process, we moved into the brain.
When we step back into the Heart, it is where we access our multidimensional Soul-selves. It is a place ego cannot go. While doing this energy work, its imperative to be in the Heart Space.