13KGHT79 Traveling Workshops - Twistedsage.com

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Traveling Workshops

Twistedsage Studios offers Traveling Workshops taught by Brian.


Are you looking to host a workshop in your local area?

Brian teaches a variety of workshops, no workshop is ever the same.
The most leading edge material is offered at the in person workshops.
Brian offers these workshops free of charge, though there are expectations in the hosting of an event:
  • Travel expenses, time off work, and lodging are paid by the host
    (please see example of full day workshop at the bottom of the page)
  • The physical tools (from Twistedsage Studios) will be sold at the event
  • Promoting of the event is a co-creative effort
  • The host keeps all proceeds of ticket sales
  • Ticket price negotiable, depending on the need, from $25 to $200
  • Portable Ascension Pyramids can be shipped, or larger Ascension Pyramids and Chambers can be transported
  • Brian may offer private sessions after the event
  • A second workshop/venue can be booked in the region, to help share expenses.  This is up to the host to find a second host/venue.

The event can be from 2.5 hours to 6 hours in length.
We can focus on specific interests of the host or expected audience.

Brian has been a keynote speaker at the American Dowsing Society, has taught workshops at sacred sites in Guatemala, the Tesla Technology Convention, Fairy Congress, Master Radionics Conventions, UFO conferences, holistic health fairs, private homes and groups, and more. 

The audience varies from high level energy workers of various modalities,
to those with no energy work and/or religious backgrounds.
The workshops are made accessible and easy for all to understand and utilize.
This is all very much leading-edge of consciousness work we do and teach.

We touch on so much more than this, but here are some of the traditional boxes we have tried to fit in: 

Light Anchoring 101-

Learn to create and utilize columns of Light for healing and clearing.  These powerful Light columns are able to cross over ghosts and waywards, transform 5G networks and cell towers, raise the vibration of municipal water towers, as well as for your own personal healing and transformation.  Activations and attunements to ancient tools and wisdom are part of this hands-on workshop.

Sacred Heart Activation- 

These high-level activations are done with the assistance of your higher-self.  We will learn simple techniques to enter the Heart Space, and from there bring through the activations of the Sacred Heart, the Quantum Mind, and the field of Universal Peace.  This is high-level energy work, done in a very simple and easy, heart-based way through guided meditation and journey work.

MerKaBa Activation-

The MerKaBa is an electromagnetic field around the human body, which can be programmed and utilized for daily living and manifestation.  We will explore technical and historical aspects of the human light body, and then follow a simple guided activation process to activate your own MerKaBa!  Brian has assisted thousands of people in reactivating and utilizing their MerKaBa fields.

Soul Exploration-

We begin by working with our Soul, in all of it's levels and layers and complexities, in a simple and tangible way.  The energy work we have done over the years has been all stepping stones to the work we now do.  In this workshop, we go through the steps and understandings of the soul, allowing you to be guided by your higher soul self in a way that is comfortable for you.  When we complete this course, we will have a better understanding our our Light, who we are, and some of the things we can do with our Soul's Light.  This is truly the basis for all that we do as Heart-based energy workers.

Tensor Tool Workshop-

Brian is a Master builder of higher-dimensional heart-based energy tools, brought into the physical through sacred measurements and geometries.  Used for EMF remediation, personal and environmental healing and clearing, restructuring water, soul connectivity, ghost-busting, and more!  Brian will offer hands-on training with the Tensor tools, for all the above purposes!  This is hands-on workshop with many tools and products available, including new and unreleased products!!

The list above is an older list of workshop potentials.  We have since been teaching Transcending the Matrix workshops, as well as Healing with Divine Awareness. Both more of the leading edge consciousness work.

About Brian

Brian Besco, of Twistedsage Studios in the Black Hills of South Dakota, is a Master Builder of heart-based higher-dimensional energy tools.  His Soul’s passion is to assist others in this new paradigm.  He teaches clearing work and how to create and hold healing space.
Brian and his immediate family are leading edge energy workers and healers. They are known for their soul-level healing and clearing work, along with the Tensor Tools they produce, which also bring through clearing and healing on many levels and layers.
Golden Fire Tools and Activations
Tensor technology is useful in EMF remediation, personal and environmental healing and clearing, restructuring water, soul connectivity, clearing ghosts and dense consciousness, and so much more!  Brian will go in depth on what these quantum energy tools are, how they work, and how they are created.  But, of course, the tools are simply tools.  Consciousness is where the true power and potency of the tools stems from.  We will learn simple techniques to enter the Sacred Space of the Heart, and bring through the activations of the Sacred Heart's Golden Fire.  This high-level consciousness work is done simply and easily through heart-based journey work.

If you are interested in hosting an event, please contact Brian at twistedsage@hotmail.com

Example of a 2.5 hour workshop:

These transformative workshops are based in a new paradigm of consciousness work. The Soul Journey Work we do is simple, yet profound. As we step into the Heart and work from these higher spaces, we affect physical realities.

The 2-1/2 Hour Workshop Includes:
∞Sacred Heart Activation
∞Quantum Mind Activation
∞Light Anchoring for transforming Cell Towers and Water Ways
∞MerKaBa Activation
∞Clearing programs, beliefs, and emotions that no longer serve
∞Transmute cell phone towers and waterways, clear cemeteries and other environmental dis-harmonies
∞Learn Distance Healing work for family, pets, and the environment
∞Access the field beyond the mind, to actively manifest your higher heart's desires in everyday life
∞This hands-on workshop allows you to step beyond other’s thought forms and energies, while transforming EMFs and other negative energies around you…

The cost is $25 at the door. Limited space available, please reserve your spot in advance! Chairs and yoga mats are available, come early if you wold like a chair!

There will be time and opportunity to work with some of the physical tools from Twistedsage Studios both during and after the event. Products will be available for purchase.

Example of a recent full day workshop:

It cost $1,600 to host me and the Ascension Pyramid.  The facility made $2,600 in ticket sales @ $200 a ticket, and were able to keep $1,000 for themselves.

9:00 AM
Workshop Begins
9:30 AM
Sacred Space of the Heart and Sacred Heart Activations
10:30 AM
MerKaBa Activation
12:00 PM
Light Anchoring
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Soul Retrieval, Universal Light Activations, Activating the Field of Miracles
4:00 PM
Tensor Tool Workshop
