13KGHT79 Plant Vitality Experiment - Twistedsage.com

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Plant Vitality Experiment

Plant Vitality Experiment


Pea Plant comparison


We planted “salad mix” seeds (cabbagekohlrabikale, and broccoli) in two 10” x 10” flats filled with potting soil. Flat A had a 3” wisdom tensor ring underneath its center, and Flat B was the control flat, planted in an East-facing window with all other conditions identical. These were planted on the evening of April 9 (day Zero.)
Day Zero: Seeds sprinkled on damp flats of soil (about an inch apart from each other) and watered.
Days 1-3: They look good, but no noticeable difference between flats A and B.
On the 4th day moved them 18” apart, thinking that perhaps I underestimated the size of the energy field, and that Flat B has also been benefiting from the tensor ring.
(After this the flats were only put near each other for the comparison photos.) 
Day 5: Flat A now has broader leaves and a little taller sprouts 
Day 6: Flat A sprouts are more noticeably taller
Day 7Flat A seems to be a full day ahead of Flat B; in fact Flat A is ready to harvest.
1. The wisdom tensor ring sped up the growth cycle of the Flat A microgreens.
2. The wisdom tensor ring noticeably benefited all plants within 18” of its center, which is why I had to move Flat B.
I will definitely be using these for future plantings. Cutting a day or two off of required growth time is especially good for someone like me that has limited space for planting.



Thank you all for participating in the Plant Vitality Experiment.  To purchase, and more information, please visit


Pea Plant comparison


We planted “salad mix” seeds (cabbagekohlrabikale, and broccoli) in two 10” x 10” flats filled with potting soil. Flat A had a 3” wisdom tensor ring underneath its center, and Flat B was the control flat, planted in an East-facing window with all other conditions identical. These were planted on the evening of April 9 (day Zero.)
Day Zero: Seeds sprinkled on damp flats of soil (about an inch apart from each other) and watered.
Days 1-3: They look good, but no noticeable difference between flats A and B.
On the 4th day moved them 18” apart, thinking that perhaps I underestimated the size of the energy field, and that Flat B has also been benefiting from the tensor ring.
(After this the flats were only put near each other for the comparison photos.) 
Day 5: Flat A now has broader leaves and a little taller sprouts 
Day 6: Flat A sprouts are more noticeably taller
Day 7Flat A seems to be a full day ahead of Flat B; in fact Flat A is ready to harvest.
1. The wisdom tensor ring sped up the growth cycle of the Flat A microgreens.
2. The wisdom tensor ring noticeably benefited all plants within 18” of its center, which is why I had to move Flat B.
I will definitely be using these for future plantings. Cutting a day or two off of required growth time is especially good for someone like me that has limited space for planting.



Thank you all for participating in the Plant Vitality Experiment.  To purchase, and more information, please visit

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