13KGHT79 Divine I Am Energy Torus - Twistedsage.com

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Divine I Am Torus

Divine I Am Energy Torus

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Divine I Am Torus

The copper Torus is approximately 4-1/2" in diameter. 

It is all that the Divine I Am Pendant is, and so much more. For one, it works also in the environment, throughout the home. 

Works on the full spectrum of the human, the full I Am. On all levels.  Emotional. Physical. Soul connection.

Releases programs and traumas that the individual is ready to release, across all time.  

As you are using the Divine I Am Torus for your self, it extends out to the collective, through all time.

And you do nothing.  You just be.  All is connected in with you, your Soul.  That is were the work begins. 

The Soul is in charge. You, as the human, if you can just be and allow.  Surrender to the Soul.  This is where all the miracles take place.

As you change, it affects your whole reality, which includes your environment and those within it.

As far as the doing is concerned with this tool...  you can come into with intentions of doing if you choose.  But, if you allow and just be with it and your Soul's light, it will all be with more grace and ease.  Much more doing will happen this way!!

When using on self, it is shifting the reality as the individual shifts within their self. Place the Torus on the body or in the home.  Wherever it feels right.

When placing it within the home, it includes everyone within the home and changes the reality.  Changes the individual if they choose.  Some will not choose, but it is OK.  That is their path.

The Divine I Am Torus is capable of doing what all the Cosmic Sundisc does, along with the Divine I Am Activator Pendant.  But is yet another step upwards and onward from these previous two.

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Leo J.
5+ stars

I can't say this enough:
Very High vibrational products!
Very reasonable pricing!
Excellent shipping! (And i do mean excellent!)
Kind people running this business.
Which to me is important if i am spending my money.
I appreciate the hard work that goes into these products.
Saving up for the next item.
5+ stars!

Marcus W.
Divine I AM

Attached a lanyard; The Torus migrated from my heart to my third eye…pineal gland magnifier/Siberian Eye Curtain…Very energizing! Try it!!
(Love my pendant, too!)

I am Torus

I was visiting the site and did not realize this is where I bought my Divine I am Torus

It's generally with me in bed. Well it is. :-)

It's wonderful and gets along with everything else I have added to harmonize their nonsense. I live across the River from New York City in Jersey. The madman Cuomo has completely changed my feeling about New Jersey. IE at least it's not New York🤓.

Such a shame. I pasted an image of the street I live on. I took that off of Google Earth the other day to show someone how quaint a place truly is even though it is just the width of the River away.

I am sure my home glows with positive energy. The neighbors have no idea how much I have helped them as I have many Anti EMF products with one that covers a square mile.

Alann D.

I'm not really words to describe what happens when I put it on my heart, I can just tell you that I've never felt such a deep connection with my higher self.
Thank you so much Brenda, Brian and teamwork ❤️

Samson L.

i AM my DiViNE manifestation; eye AM the DiViNE i AM. Ascending limitation into iNFiNiTE potentiality… wOw! 7 months ago i purchased the TORUS with attunement from Brenda. Holy NOW been an absolute blessing beyond measures, started by just BEiNG… really hard for my mental operating systems. Once i get out of my own way & just ride the waves & FLOW iNside of my HEART space, everything in my reality just shifts. ♾❤️‍🔥♾

With a simple Trinity breath ALL is WELL even when CHAOS arrives i find I’m surrounded EYE of the storm MiND is confounded, for the darkest night my SOUL is found-iN, BEiNG the LiGHThouse HEART guides me NOW i swim with ALL that is SOULeternalOceanDeeep go fish. . . ♾🕸🌊🛸💗🛸🌊🕸♾ original water shaman poem 🤣 seriously though I’m sooo grateFULL to BE in the HERE & NOW thank YOU, THANK you, Thank You, Brenda , Brian , & the entire Twisted Sage family!!! Throughout ALL timelines , dimensions & reality’s I’m feeling more ABLE & willing to do/BE the most optimal versions of me ☺️

My SOUL & my EGO went to war for years(even lifetimes)… The levels of healing & growth I’ve experienced in the last 7 months are multiplying everyday… & the more deeeper eye DiVE with my DEAR soul; I’m finding more & more iNFiNiTE currentSEA waves of LOVE , TRUTH & BEAUTY in ALL i SEE!!! 🦋😇🦋

