13KGHT79 63rd Annual ASD Convention - Twistedsage.com

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63rd Annual ASD Convention

63rd Annual ASD Convention from June 7 - Sunday, June 11, 2023

REGISTER TODAY2023 ASD Convention Workshops

The American Society of Dowsers is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1961, to disseminate knowledge of dowsing (water witching, the discovery of lost articles or persons, and related para-psychological phenomena), development of its skills, and recognition for its achievements.
Brian Besco Will Be Teaching a Workshop at the 2023 ASD Convention
Light Anchors for All
This technique can be used to move or clear geomagnetic lines, harmonize vortex energies, unlock the healing potentials of water, cross over ghosts and waywards, mitigate the harmful affects of cell phone towers and 5G transmissions, clear emotional debris of a space, and to create sacred space wherever you are. For eleven years Brian has taught thousands, worldwide, how to use this powerful technique. Most find it a tangible and life-changing tool to add to their energetic toolbox.
Here's who you can expect to see, hear and learn from at the 2023 ASD Convention, scheduled to be held June 7 - June 11 at SUNY Adirondack Community College, Queensbury, NY.SpeakersLee Barnes, Brian Besco, John Butler, Jini Cerio, Brandon Dey, Amy Jo Ellis, William Gee, Beth Grace, Jackie Holzel, Sandra Isgro, Roxanne Louise, Marty Lucas, Sandy McKenzie, Sophie Michaud, Kate Rafferty, Rosanne Romiglio-Ashley, Aaron Singleton, Charisse Sisou, Rose Szwed, John Thompson, Atala Dorothy Toy, Deni Van, Joann Vollmer, Linda Warren.Workshops (hosted by)Dowsing Foundation School (Joan Reed, Tick Gaudreau, Richard Roy, Craig James, Leroy Bull), Lee Barnes, Brian Besco, Jini Cerio, Brandon Dey, William Gee, Sandi Isgro, Sophie Michaud, Marty Lucas, Charisse Sisou, Rosanne Romiglio-Ashley, Aaron Singleton, Dr. Michelle Peal, Atala Dorothy Toy, Deni Van, Joan Reid, Linda Warren, Gale West.In Addition, The annual Membership Meeting will be held Wednesday evening.Thursday night will feature a social and the Dowsing Foundation School graduation and discussion.Friday night features keynote dowser, Dr. Michelle Peal.Saturday night features keynote speaker, Gale West, along with a social.
