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Collection: Radionics

Tensor Tools for Radionics


The energetics of these specific tools are designed to bring about the best in your Radionic broadcasts.

  • Lessens broadcast time
  • Brings more dimensional layers to what you are working on
  • Ensures all broadcasts are safe
  • Amplifies the witness

Plus it brings all the energetic properties and abilities of the Tensor Rings into your broadcasts

  • Restructures all nonbeneficial EMFs
  • Works with the consciousness of plants, animals, and the land
  • Brings water to it's original crystalline structure, balances pH, and brings the consciousness of water more into physical embodiment
  • The frequencies and properties of all plant, mineral, and crystal kingdoms are available within these Rings
  • The Tensor Fields can never be used for harm, no matter the intent or lack of intent that goes into the broadcast, ensuring the utmost safety of all transmissions
  • All Earth Elementals, such as Water, Air, Wind, Fire, and Ether are all present in the Rings, which assists with any environmental transmissions such as with weather or weather patterns, or even aquifers and other bodies of water

Brian has been a teacher at the "Taught by the Masters" International Radionics Symposium for the last 8 years.  Here is one of his recorded presentations....

The tools listed-


  • Radionic Rings for Input Wells
  • 23" Grounding Ring for Grounding your instrument
  • Betar Coil w/Ring

Can work as a stand alone device, or top it off with a Tensor Field Generator, a witness, and reagent if you wish.  This creates a simple Radionic device for transmissions!

  • Laptop Tensor Ring

If you utilize a laptop for any frequency generator additions (such as the Spooky 2) then a Laptop Ring is excellent for harmonizing the laptops energetics.

The following tools enhance specific broadcasts:


  • Rainmaker

Can also amplify reagents, as well as magnetize beneficial weather patterns.  Place directly on top of stick plate or antenna.   Works as a stand-alone device for broadcasting and amplifying.

  • Tensor Field Generators

Broadcast booster, to place directly on top of stick plate or antenna. .  The Harmony is well suited for agriculture work.  Golden Fire is for clearing energies including EMF.  Divine I Am energetics for working with all aspects of the human, or the morphogenetic field of plants or animals.  Plus, the geometry can hold and broadcast intentions.  Add to a Betar Coil w/Ring to create a simple, stand alone broadcast device.

  • Wings of Tok

For that deep clearing work of people or places.  Clears geomagnetic lines, portal/vortexes, ghosts and nonbeneficial entities. Place directly on top of stick plate or antenna, or use as a stand-alone device.

  • Activator

Creates sacred space, while also clearing EMFs and other dense conscious energies such as ghosts and nonbeneficial entities. Place directly on top of stick plate or antenna, or even on your instrument itself.


  • Radionic Rings
    Radionic Rings
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Unit price
  • Betar Coil w/Ring
    Betar Coil w/Ring
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Unit price
  • Harmonizer Ring under Laptop Computer
    Laptop Tensor Ring
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Unit price
  • Rainmaker
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Unit price
  • Wings of Tok
    Wings of Tok
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Unit price
  • Golden-Fire-Generator-8-inch
    Golden Fire Tensor Field Generators
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Unit price
  • Activators
    Regular price
    Sale price
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  • mini Activator
    mini Activator
    Regular price
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  • 15
    15" Highest Potentials Ring
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Unit price
  • Light Body Activator
    Light Body Activator
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Unit price
  • Heddeka Garden Helpers
    Heddeka Garden Helpers
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Unit price