13KGHT79 Infinite Heart - Twistedsage.com

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Infinite Heart
Infinite Heart
Infinite Heart

Infinite Heart

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Infinite Heart

Grounding, Creation Field, and Light Body Activator
all in one tiny yet powerful and affordable tool.

Connects you with the soft white light of You, which can
enter the darkest recesses of self, to effortlessly
clear away lifetimes of dense energies.

Hammered and hand polished to create a sleek and slim design,
which can be used on it's own as a pendant.
Add the Infinity to any necklace.

Step in and just Be…

Allow your soul to open the doors of infinite possibilities.

Infinite Heart represents love, continuance, without end.

Grounding- connects heart to heart with the Crystal Sun of the Earth

EMF- works by aligning and harmonizing your personal energy fields, up to 10 feet out

Light Body Activator- holds that space for bringing in that new soft white Light of You

• The Soul- steps more into the body, and assists others in your proximity to do the same

Slip onto ANY existing necklace to create a heart connection
with your favorite crystal or stone

Guided Meditation below, to take you through what the energetics
of this one inch Infinity is capable of assisting a person to do.

Pets- Creates healing and comfort when wore on the collar
Connects heart of pet to the heart of the Earth. 
Calms hyperactive dogs, as well as helps older dogs move easier.

Silver Infinite Heart

The 1 Inch .999 fine Silver Infinity is a lightweight and elegant piece on it's own,
added to any preexisting necklace, or wore on its own chain.
ame size and energetics as the Copper Infinity.

Be sure to check out the other Silver Series of tools here

Add the Infinite Heart to your favorite pendant
to bring in that heart connect.

Creates a connection between your heart and whatever
tool or crystal you wear the Infinity with.
Synergizes well with all energy tools and pendants.

Any necklace material is suitable, or use the Infinity on a key-chain,
critter collar, or as a pocket piece.

The Infinite Heart is approximately 1 inch in length.


Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews

Good thing for us.

Gisela B.
Watching the magic unfold

I have been very amazed with all that happened since I received this little tool. I ordered it in silver, it was described as a soul amplifier connecting with past lifetime soul. It has made me aware of my surrounding energies that needed to be dealt with, literally, things were falling off the wall. I am so thrilled with it and am curious, because my relationship has taken a good turn and am waiting to see where it all will end up. I am wearing it daily on a chain around my neck. Sometimes I think I need to distance myself a little. I am wondering if it needs cleansing, like stones, maybe in the sunlight or moonlight.

Christine G.
Infinite Heart

Was a birthday gift for my sister. She loves the Infinite Heart Pendant and put it on right away the fact that it is copper which is her element.

Rebecca R.
Infinity and Light copper bangle

Beautiful energy always satisfied!!✨

Martin W.
New Infinity´s

I bought four new Infinity´s for adding it to my silver creation field coil. The other three, were for my family members. I felt at first, a tingeling feeling on my crown chakra, and my feet. It is defently a big plus to have theese as an addition to the tools. I really love the new infinity´s and I feel more grounded and connected.

