Sound Healing Rings
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Bring more Light and Consciousness
into your sound healing sessions!
This set of three 333 MHz Tensor Rings are infused with the newest energy fields here at Twistedsage Studios. These fields allow for more of your consciousness to be brought through the sound waves, as well as into the instrument itself (we happen to use crystal singing bowls). My sister Brenda, who does sound healing, has a crystal bowl who has great intelligence and light already in it. It is an extension of her consciousness, and brings healing to those who are in the space and vibrations of the singing bowl. Now by adding this set of Sound Healing Rings to your crystal or metal singing bowl, it too will radiate with greater consciousness and Light!
Those with synesthesia, the ability to see the color of sound, are able to visually see the color change which comes with using the Sound Healing Rings. And if you can feel energy, you will note the energetic shift with a singing bowl, with and without the Rings. Even those who are not sensitive to energies can usually note a change in the feel or sound of a singing bowl with this set of Rings.
333 MHz is the Cubit measure used to create the very first set of Sound Healing Rings nearly a decade ago! At the time, the Rings were created by calling in the Soul of the person whom they were created for, while the Rings were being made. Now, after many shifts in the Tools, and in human consciousness, these newer fields automatically hold space for your consciousness and Light to come into and through these tools. So, it is your Light and consciousness which permeates the field which your sound healing instruments are in, which is amplified and carried through the sound waves!
Yes, you can use the Trio of Rings with any instrument or device which creates sound waves (or light waves, for that matter). Just remember, a Tensor Ring creates a column of Light, so your instrument, speaker, or electronic sound equipment, needs to be within this column of Light for the fields to work together.
The set of three 13-inch Rings are interwoven, and do not separate from each other. They can be all collapsed into a single stack of Rings, or spread out to create the Triquetra (three vesica piscis) where you can place the sound instrument in the center. There is no right or wrong way to use these tools, and they do call for you to experiment and play!! You can add other energy tools, such as crystals, essential oils, etc., to add to the broadcast as you play!!
They also make a wonderful wall hanging, can be placed under a chair or bed, under your laptop computer for EMF mitigation, used with food water supplements plants pets etc. Basically anything you would do with a Tensor Ring, applies to this set of three newest-energy Rings!