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Golden Fire and Light Wands
Golden Fire And Light Wand Mini
Practitioner Light Wand

Golden Fire and Light Wand

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Golden Fire and Light Wand

• Brass rod and handle.
• The mini is approximately 4 Inches in length.
• Practitioner Wand is14 Inches In Length.

Downloadable eight-page instructional/activation booklet can be found here.

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Clearing, Healing, Raising Vibrations

Shadow work and Activations

Creating and Un-Creating realities with Love

The Golden Fire and Light Wands are fitted with a clasp at the base of the handle.

The wands have sealed bearing, double-layered, brass handles. 

Clasp and rod can freely spin independently of the handle,
making a perfect connector for your pendulum.

The approx. four inch mini-wand has the same potency and power

as the full sized version, only in a pendant or pocket-sized form.

The smaller sized version can be carried in the pocket, and many of us wear it as a pendant.

The Wands can be carried through airport security as well.

We have had reports of people sleeping with these Wands, and getting the best sleep they have ever had.
Many use them to clear headaches and other physical issues.
Many use them for distance healing sessions or other energy clearing. 

They truly are a versatile and powerful tool!!

The quick and simple use of the tool

It doesn't have to be complicated.  This can be an automatic tool to simply "be" with, though there is a lot you can also "do" with the Wand. 
There are endless applications and ways to use it, but is powerful just having on your person, or pointing it at something/someone, and using it to run energy.

An Ancient tool updated into the New Energy

The Golden Light Wand is an ancient tool,
that comes into this reality as the fog lifts.

Energetically, it is a golden rod about 18 inches tall,
its fuzzy rainbow-color 
energy vibrates along with a humming sound.
The sound coming from the rod is used for healing, clearing, and everything.
The color and sound work together as part of what this tool is.

The Wand is simply a physical bridge to this energetic tool.

The Golden Light aspect of this tool exists in the 3mm brass rod, approx 4" and 14" in length.

This sacred measure is known as the Standard Teotihuacan Unit.
The golden-light rod exists on a higher dimensional plane
and anchors into the physical through this measure.

As the Higher Soul Self steps in to hold the rod, the work we do directly affects the Soul aspects throughout time, space, and dimensions.
When a person holds the wand, they are engulfed in a Golden-White Light. Clearing takes place with the person and vibrations are raised all around them. This brings through more than just personal and environmental clearing and healing, rather situations and realities are also cleared and healed in the process.

We then add in the New Energetics of the Golden Fire Wand.

The Golden Fire Wand activates the Sacred Heart-

This is the golden flaming heart with the tri-fold flames
that Jesus and Mary walk with, and is different from
the Sacred Space of the Heart that we have traditionally worked with.

The Golden Fire activates the Quantum Mind-

Opens the right hemisphere of the brain, balances the hemispheres,
activating the Pineal and connecting to the Quantum Mind.

For the Sacred Heart and Quantum Mind activations to
take place, one is first taken to the Quantum Void of infinite possibilities for cleaning, clearing, and healing.

Read more about the Golden Fire Tools here

Personal Transformations
Connects into chest and into the Heart.
Brings through all the Activations and Attunements
of the Golden Fire tools and that the mini Golden Light Wand offers.
Clearing timelines and realities and all that the mini Golden Light Wand does,
without having to have the attunement to the mini Golden Light Wand!!
Environmental Clearing
It clears Geomagnetic lines, and follows the lines outward to clear the source
of non beneficial energies, within the local area.
Entity Clearing through Soul Activations
The Starburst is carrying much of the same energy
as the Golden Fire Generators carry, and more!

Bringing through that Field of Healing Light-

The Wand brings who holds it into a higher vibration,
connecting and bridging higher dimensions. 

These different fields of higher vibrational Light brings through only
what is based in Love, as that is why these tools exist. 

As you tap into these higher vibration fields, you can tap into that "Healing Field"
that my sister Brenda Schnose uses in all her current healing work. 

As you point the Wand it projects Light out, both the Golden Fire and the Golden Light.
This brings in and bridges these higher dimensions.

Entity Clearing and "Ghost-busting"

As we are all raising in frequency and vibration, consciousness
of lower vibrations become uncomfortable and either make
themselves known to others, or try to lower the vibration around them to
remain in a comfortable space.
This has been especially the case, recently. 

For many years, I was trying to make a tool to assist "Way-wards", or commonly known as Ghosts, to get back Home... to cross them over into the Light. 

This has traditionally been a task, and many sensitive people have had to learn to do this. 
Once the Golden Fire Generator, then the Starburst, came along, this was able to happen more easily. 
Now, the Golden Fire and Light Wand is able to do this automatically!! 

When the Wand is pointed at a Conscious Being (incarnate or not, Entities and Way-wards included), Light from the Wand activates the Golden Fire in their heart.  It is the Soul of the Being that chooses to accept this Activation or not, but if they do, the Being is connected fully to their own Light.  It is this Light that shows them the way Home.  No longer do we need to "do" as we used to, to cross over Way-wards or to clear Entities.

When clearing Entity attachments, the Golden Fire clears all contracts (agreements, oaths, vows, etc) which no longer serve, and the Entity follows it's own Light to wherever is for the Highest and best good.

As with Way-wards, Entities sometimes need talked into unattaching and going. There is also free-will in all of this, and people or other Conscious Beings all have the free-will choice to stay and to hang on.  As my sister Brenda Schnose says, she has never met an Entity that could not be talked into letting go.  We always use the path of Love, as that is where all of these tools are based within....


Be in the physical space you wish to clear.
You do not actually have to be there in the physical, you can simply imagine being there.
Balls of white Light come out the end of the rod, swirling and covering the whole area.
A sphere of Golden White Light encompasses the workspace,
including the earth below, no matter if doing it by distance or in person.

For an instant, there is a void, as everything is
sucked up and then explodes out in white Light.
All that is left is a feeling of Grace and Ease to the environment.
The area is left clean and clear and in a high vibrational state.
This bubble extends throughout time, dimensions, and realities, causing a residual effect of the work completed.

Simultaneously, that field of the Golden Fire comes through
in another level and layer, bringing in that high vibrational field of healing energy.
This field also does the connecting, clearing, and activating within
all conscious beings, incarnate or not, throughout all levels layers they exist upon. 

Just as the Starburst automatically clears or reroute non-beneficial energy Lines, so can the Golden Fire and Light Wand. The white Light explodes out and shoots down the grid lines, along with the Golden Fire, clearing them or rerouting them.  It also clears the source of any nonbeneficial transmissions upstream from these grid lines.  It automatically clears non-beneficial portal/vortexes.

Light Anchoring

Another beneficial use of this tool is to use it to anchor Light.
All one does is hold the Golden Fire and Light Wand with intention,
and a column of light comes in from Source/Soul
(Creator, God, just plug in your own word...) and into the Earth.
This Light is all that the Golden Fire and Light Wand is.
This column of Light will stay for as long as is needed, then it fades out. 

You do not need to be in that space in person,
rather you can simply visualize and intend the column of Light
comes into that space while holding the Wand. 

Great for airports, checkout lines, sleeping quarters, refrigerators, etc etc

Some more basic instructions to get you started, but do not limit yourself to this...

Remember... You can never do harm with this tool!! 

Simply make the statement that you are in the Heart Space, and it is so.
Make the statement that you are clean and clear.
Clean and clear throughout all time, space, dimensions. Clean and clear of programs and beliefs which hold you in a particular perspective, or reality.
Then all is a void as All that you are, along with the Universe, put your reality back together again.
As you hold the wand, a bubble expands from you. You can also, with intent, focus the energy.

Sacred Space of the Heart:

Imagine your consciousness as a little ball of light, the size of a marble. Your consciousness sits right behind the pineal gland in the middle of the brain. Before we were born, our consciousness resided in the heart. Within the physical heart are tens-of-thousands of brain cells. At some time during or after the birth process, we moved into the brain.
When we step back into the Heart, it is where we access our multidimensional Soul-selves. It is a place ego cannot go. While doing this energy work, its imperative to be in the Heart Space.

To use the wand: Hold with intention of entering the Heart Space. You may be able to feel it, as the heart expands. Trust it is so, as it is.

When doing the work, all time, space, and dimensions are aligned for the work to be complete. The Golden-White Light as well as the Golden Fire cleans and clears. Your field is completely cleaned and cleared as your entire Being raises in vibration. Lower vibrational programs, and beliefs are cleared in the process.
With intention, implants, entities, cords, and all other non-beneficial attachments are completely gone.
Brings you to a clean slate, completely clean and cleared. Programs, Beliefs, and even Karma, is completely cleared in a moment.
What’s brought back in, is between you and the Universe and You.

A physical energy tool: Use as a wand to focus energy, raising everything in frequency and vibration, resulting in cleaning, clearing, healing, and bringing through all the Activations of the Golden Fire tools.

Working with others

Again, begin by being in the Heart Space, being clean and clear, grounded and connected.
The wand creates sacred space, in the form of an energy bubble around you.

As your soul holds the etheric rod, you invite who you wish into your circle, and offer them the rod.
Those who’s Souls are on board to have the clearing work done will accept it.
If it is not part of the Soul’s path, the clearing won’t affect them.
The Soul will know, so just trust the outcome.

I feel a swoosh when the person does the work, almost like anchoring in.
I feel it super intense when someone else does the work, though most people doing it will only note that a shift took place!!!

Or, simply point the Wand at the person.


This can be done in the mind's eye and from the heart,
instead of being in person.

Clearing, Healing, Raising Vibrations.
Creating and Un-Creating realities with Love.

Customer Reviews

Based on 87 reviews

The energy of this wand is amazing! As soon I held it, could feel tingling from head to toe. Use it to build columns of light around broadcasting towers close by as well as next to shared walls of some undesirable neighbors next to me.


Love my mini wand. At first I thought I should’ve gotten the bigger one but size is an illusion I’ve discovered when I got this. This mini wand is like a good friend. It has an intelligence to it and acts in accordance to the highest good. I recommend it.



Victoria M.

I purchased the small, original Fire and Light wand several years ago and have been using it daily ever since. Something just inspired me to get the larger version recently and wow!- it’s like I literally stepped through a doorway into a whole new world. Don’t know if it’s because of the newer energies but this one is like a magic carpet! I live in a very noisy neighborhood in NYC with sirens and ambulances going all night, since getting the wand I have directed columns of peace and calm into the area and have hardly had any noise at 1 o’clock in the morning, lol💗🌈

Stephanie G.
I give it 10 stars!

Absolutely love the Golden Fire and Light Wand! Sometimes I keep it nearby when I am sleeping.Sometimes I just like holding it :) The energy speaks for itself, it's very powerful and wonderous.Customer service is on point as well at Twisted Sage!! Love it Thank you!
