13KGHT79 Elementals Pendants - Twistedsage.com

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Elementals Pendants

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We intend to recreate these pendants in the newer energetics in 2023! Look for the updated version this June!


Elementals within a 1-1/4" Balance and Harmony Ring,
The Elementals Pendants are backed with powdered Shungite encased in a plant-based resin, and topped with a sturdy brass bail strung with our signature leather lanyard.


This was a limited run with shungite. Once they are gone, they are gone!


"The Heddeka swirl represents the water element Heddeka. The Heddeka is an element that comes from the time of the Earth, the time of the beginning of the Earth. In that, has been here for since the Earth began its destiny. As the Heddeka is coming back and becoming a part of the cleaning of the Earth, it is just that your thoughts and your intentions and your appreciation of this element, of this spirit, that gives it the power to go out there and help our beloved Earth. You can leave the swirls in different places and within the water or you can hang them from a tree or you can place them within the dirt. The elements all work together in unison and by doing this, they help each other. In helping each other, they help the Earth. In helping the Earth, they help you. We are working to bring the designs of the other elements into be-ing. They have been forgotten for many, many eons and it is time that they be brought in. The elements of Earth, Wind, Fire - they come in and compliment with Water. It is the time for all this to happen. It is a time that you understand and you become a part of the Elements of the Earth. By bringing in their special skills and their special connection to our beloved Earth, you can help them as they help heal the Earth up. It is not that the Earth is in great danger because she is not. She is moving and doing exactly what she needs to do. In doing and moving and calling your attention to what is happening upon her surface, this brings you closer to your Divinity, closer to who you are. As you become closer to who you are, then this helps the Earth." ~The Elders Three  



Plymella Photo"The Elemental of wind, represented by the four swirls. Wind is an important part of cleaning and clearing energies of the earth. Plymella can help humans with whirling unneeded energies out of the body. Keep the symbol of Plymella near or on the body to help keep the energies of the body clear and clean. The air around Plymella will feel light and crisp. Plymella works to remove garbage from the air and transmute it to become clean and clear. Hang the symbol of Plymella in your place of being to help keep your air fresh and energies flowing." The Elders Three

To me, Plymella is like a mover of energy... It presents as the Wind Elemental, but is a mover of all Elemental energies, not just Air.


"The two swirls, represent the elemental Khaleme, who represent air. Khaleme also helps to keep air clean. While Plymella has a strong in your face energy, Khaleme is soft and barely noticed. The symbol of Khaleme can be used to clean air and bring your body a feeling of comfort and ease. The symbol may be gentle but it has great power to bring ease to your life. Khaleme flows through your body and life to keep the energies gently moving." The Elders Three 

"The fire Elemental Chassell will light a fire within the core of you which releases that which is not of your present you. When the emotions or old thought patterns come forward into your attention, release them with the Earth, Sky, You breathe. (Trinity Breath) It is also helpful to bring in the water element, Heddeka, to help wash them away. These elements are gentle and powerful on their own, put them together with the intention, energy will move quickly. Remember to ask for ease in your intention." The Elders Three  



Etheric Elemental- has no name, it is everywhere and everything

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Mercedes F.
Elementals pendant

I love the simplicity, design, and materials used in my ether pendant.
I love supporting a company that uses fine craftsmanship in making beautiful products made to last.


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